Una cosa di cui sono perennemente sprovvista sono i gioielli da uomo. Mi riprometto continuamente di realizzarne e poi invece do la precedenza al resto, inoltre mi trovo in difficoltà nella progettazione per mancanza di idee. E' un ramo a cui dovrò dedicarmi di più, fare pratica.
Mi accorgo di questa mancanza in occasione dei mercatini, come quelli a cui sto partecipando a Rango, nel momento in cui devo allestire la parte di esposizione "per uomo" ed è davvero poverella. In occasione del lungo fine settimana appena terminato mi sono data da fare realizzando due diversi bracciali rigidi da uomo, sarò sincera: il design mi piace molto ma in quel momento mi importava soprattutto fare numero e li ho preparati al volo. Risultato: sono stati acquistati immediatamente sabato mattina poco dopo averli esposti, uno da un ragazzo e l'altro da un signore, quindi due persone di età diverse. Ne sono stata felicissima per la conferma che ho avuto nell'aver scelto questo stile.
Ho avuto qualche minuto di tempo per fotografare il bracciale che vedete qui e non per l'altro, ma non mancherà un post dedicato a lui perchè ho intenzione di riprodurli. Non sono stata brava a fotografare il bracciale indossato dal mio ragazzo (che in questi giorni mi sta aiutando in tutto, mi fa anche da modello), i colori sono alterati ma credo renda l'idea.
Ho inciso la lamina con questo motivo che si dirige in orizzontale, alla stessa altezza, ma allo stesso tempo irregolare. L'ho poi cotto e ho lasciato che l'incisione prendesse risalto dall'ossidazione.
One thing I'm perpetually guard is men's jewelry. I plan continuously to realize and then instead I give precedence to the rest, I am also in difficulty in planning for lack of ideas. It's a branch to which I will have to devote more practice.
I realize this lack in opportunity of markets, such as those in which I am participating in Rango, when I set up the show piece "for man" and it's a really poor widow. On the occasion of the long weekend just ended I have been busy making two different rigid bracelets for men, I'll be honest: I really like the design but at that time I cared mainly make up the numbers and I have prepared on the fly. Result: they were purchased immediately on Saturday morning shortly after they are exposed, one from a boy and the other by a man, then two people of different ages. I was happy to confirm that I had in having chosen this style.
I had a few minutes of time to photograph the bracelet that you see here and not for the other, but will not miss a post dedicated to him because I'm going to play them. I was not good at photographing the bracelet worn by my boyfriend (who in these days is helping me in everything, it makes me even as a model), the colors are altered but I think makes the idea.
I engraved the lamina with this design that is directed horizontally at the same height, but at the same time irregular. I then baked and I let the incision took prominence oxidation.
I realize this lack in opportunity of markets, such as those in which I am participating in Rango, when I set up the show piece "for man" and it's a really poor widow. On the occasion of the long weekend just ended I have been busy making two different rigid bracelets for men, I'll be honest: I really like the design but at that time I cared mainly make up the numbers and I have prepared on the fly. Result: they were purchased immediately on Saturday morning shortly after they are exposed, one from a boy and the other by a man, then two people of different ages. I was happy to confirm that I had in having chosen this style.
I had a few minutes of time to photograph the bracelet that you see here and not for the other, but will not miss a post dedicated to him because I'm going to play them. I was not good at photographing the bracelet worn by my boyfriend (who in these days is helping me in everything, it makes me even as a model), the colors are altered but I think makes the idea.
I engraved the lamina with this design that is directed horizontally at the same height, but at the same time irregular. I then baked and I let the incision took prominence oxidation.
Questa decorazione mi ricorda qualcosa di primitivo, ma anche un richiamo ad una catena...montuosa. E voi cosa ci vedete? Intanto vi lascio il link per Etsy.
Come già scritto sulla mia pagina facebook,dopo questi tre intensi giorni di mercatini sono distrutta ma davvero felice. Quando, verso Natale,
tornerà un po' di calma, vi racconteró quante belle cose mi stanno
decoration reminds me of something primitive, but also a call to a
chain... range. And what you see? Meanwhile I leave you the link to Etsy.
As written on my facebook page, after these three days of intense markets I'm destroyed but very happy. When, around Christmas, will return a bit of calm, I will tell you how many beautiful things are happening to me!
As written on my facebook page, after these three days of intense markets I'm destroyed but very happy. When, around Christmas, will return a bit of calm, I will tell you how many beautiful things are happening to me!
Vi ricordo che sarò a Rango (TN) anche il prossimo fine settimana e quello del 20 - 21 dicembre, dalle 09:30 alle 19:00!
I remind you that I will be in Rango (TN) again next weekend and that of December 20 to 21, from 09:30 to 19:00!
A presto / See you soon
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