Qualcuno già sa che il mio tallone d'Achille sono i gioielli per uomo. Non mi cimento spesso con questo genere di accessori perchè mi butto sempre a capofitto sulle tante idee per quelli da donna, ecco quindi che con i maschietti faccio brutte fiugure. Qualche soddisfazione l'ho avuta, per esempio questo bangle e questo bracciale sono piaciuti molto, e anche il primo che ho realizzato non è andato male. Invece, la collana che vedete oggi non l'ho capita. Esatto, non l'ho capita proprio io che l'ho creata! Io pensavo, e in fondo lo penso tutt'ora che sia abbastanza maschile ma sentita qualche opinione ai mercatini dovrei ricredermi. Dovrei farla passare come collana unisex, perchè per lo più sono state le donne a rivolgerle attenzioni! Non ci faccio una gran figura a spifferare questi retroscena, ma io sono così: viva la sincerità! E poi mi interessa una vostra opinione, sentita anche questa storia... che ne pensate?
Someone already knows that my Achilles heel are the jewels for men. I attempt not often with this kind of accessories because I always throw myself headlong on the many ideas for women, so here's what ugly fiugure I do with the boys. I had some satisfaction, for example, this bangle and this bracelet really liked, and also the first one I made went not bad. Instead, the necklace you see today I don't understand it. That's right, I did not understand that I created on myself! I thought, and basically I think it's quite masculine but still felt some opinion to the markets should reconsider. I should pass it as a necklace unisex, because for the most part were women to give her attention! I don't a great figure to blurt these backstory, but I am so: alive sincerity! And then I'm interested in your own opinion, also felt this story... what do you think about?
Someone already knows that my Achilles heel are the jewels for men. I attempt not often with this kind of accessories because I always throw myself headlong on the many ideas for women, so here's what ugly fiugure I do with the boys. I had some satisfaction, for example, this bangle and this bracelet really liked, and also the first one I made went not bad. Instead, the necklace you see today I don't understand it. That's right, I did not understand that I created on myself! I thought, and basically I think it's quite masculine but still felt some opinion to the markets should reconsider. I should pass it as a necklace unisex, because for the most part were women to give her attention! I don't a great figure to blurt these backstory, but I am so: alive sincerity! And then I'm interested in your own opinion, also felt this story... what do you think about?
Il rame è stato texturizzato con martelli vari e poi patinato, mentre la pietra che vedete è agata del Botswana.
Colgo l'occasione per annunciarvi che la collana con il ciondolo a forma di cerchio di questo post è ora su Etsy.
was textured with various hammers and then patinated, while the stone
you see is Botswana agate. I take this opportunity to announce that the
necklace with the pendant circle shaped of this post is now on Etsy.
Vi auguro una buona settimana, a presto! Have a good week, see you soon!
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